C&C Africa convenes captains of industries, thought leaders, policymakers, and creatives to facilitate engagement around the African Cultural Economy. Participants establish meaningful relationships, cross-pollinate ideas, and drive collaboration across a range of industrries with lessons from arts and culture interweaved into the programs.
South Africa – 2021
“A Journey Across the African Continent Through A Culinary Experience,” enabled cross continental culinary collaboration and cultural exchange between chefs from across the African continent.
Digital 2020 Part 2
“Leading Africa’s Economic Recovery through Global Collaboration,” leaders explored the collaborations across industries necessary for an economically stronger continent to emerge.
Digital 2020 Part 1
Enabling a Resilient African Cultural Economy, convened leaders from industries in finance, manufacturing, fashion, arts, and culture to discuss how African countries remained resilient during COVID-19.
Ghana – 2019
“Captains of Arts and Culture: Championing the Arts to Fuel Economic Prosperity in Africa,” placed emphasis on the value of arts & culture; Ghana serving as the vanguard of landmark initiatives such as the Year of the Return.
South Africa – 2019
In an era where the African continent is facing an unprecedented set of priorities, the need for “Bold Leadership to Move the African Continent Forward,” was a bold call to action.
South Africa – 2018
Significant shifts in political leadership across the African continent in 2018 created a great sense of optimism. “A New Horizon: Shaping Africa’s Future by Navigating a Complex World” attempted to unpack some of these shifts.